Anyone who is in business with their spouse knows… It ain’t easy.
There, I said it. Plain and Simple lol We love each other, we’re best friends but we both very different people at the end of the day. We have different view points and diverse tactics when it comes to handling issues which makes owning a business together very interesting. I’m sure it’s the same with every business that has more than one owner. But unlike a partnership between friends or business associates being married to your business partner forces you to really stick it out when things get tough. We can’t just call it quits and go our seperate ways, we’re bound together by forces stronger than owning a business together.

And at the end of the day, our marriage is more important
than what you see us do here. We take our mission with Megapixels Media very seriously but the day it becomes between us, is the day that we’ll need to stop. It would be a tearful stop because we love what we’ve been able to do here and all the couples and vendors that we’ve had the pleasure of meeting throughout the years, but yea…our family is primary.
Last year we gave birth to our one and only child and even while I was pregnant the world began to shift. I shot weddings all through my pregnancy and all of our couples in 2019 were so supportive throughout the entire process.

Giving back to our creative community
is also an important to us. So we’ve put together a free group of creative professionals where we can ask each other questions and give support. Every year we try to put together a styled shoot where we can help others not only build their portfolio but network with others. You can read more about it HERE and JOIN OUR FREE GROUP HERE.

Being able to document hundreds of couples love stories throughout the years has been so rewarding. Being able to put our diverse couples in the spotlight of so many wedding publications to inspire more couples and being showcased as a successful black husband and wife business has been a literal dream come true.
When we started as wedding photographers in the wedding industry there weren’t many black wedding photographers, let alone husband and wife teams so every time we were invited to a wedding it felt like we were breaking the mold and it’s amazing.
It’s taken so much time to get to where we are now. Earlier when I said a dream come true, it really is. 6 years ago when we started shooting weddings, we both had full time jobs that had nothing to do with photography and I couldn’t wait to get home every evening to work on our business. To edit photos and write blogs about our couples love stories. You can read more about my journey here…

Being Black Owned Business Owners,
sometimes we’re overlooked and it’s important to remember that that’s not always a bad thing. Because we do a damn good job of attracting clients who are truly the best for us. We’re open and authentic on all of our Social Media platforms so when couples hire us, they know exactly who they’re getting in business with. There’s no surprises there.
Our dream clients are open minded, believe in equality, know hot to have fun and appreciate modern art and value the treasure of photography. If you just so happen to still be reading all this, we’d love to hear from you :)

Disney’s The Lion King’s HBCU Night