A question that we receive a lot from our couples who have kids is…
“Can I bring My Child to our Engagement Session?”
And our response is ABSOLUTELY! In fact, we think this is a great idea because not only do you have a chance to work with us and see how we operate but your child (who will also be a big part at your wedding) will also build trust in confidence in us as well. So on the day of, we’re not complete strangers and who knows we might be considered old friends ;)

This is also an excellent opportunity to get amazing family photos on top of your engagement photos.
It’s also a beautiful sentiment to keep in mind that your marriage does not just include the two of you. Your marriage benefits your entire household and in best cases stretches far beyond that! So including a member of your home to your session, is a beautiful start to your wedding photography journey and will be a lovely memory fo your child to look back on when she thinks of Mom and Dad getting married. Imagine how that will effect her outlook on marriage and family as she grows up :) We absolutely love it so YES. BRING THE KIDS!

If you’re looking for a Wedding or family photographer,
we are more than happy to help out! Just send us a message HERE or at Hello@megapixelsmedia.com and ask if we have any specials going on for this month ;) Speak with you soon!
Disney’s The Lion King’s HBCU Night