We Love Justine and Mike
Justine and Mike are another Husband and Wife Photography team in Maryland who we met last year. We were so excited when they asked to do a photoswap with us!
What’s a Photoswap?
Well Children, when 2 photographers really love each other sometimes they get together and exchange photo-sessions at the same time. You see, as photographers we have THOUSANDS of photos of our awesome clients but very few for ourselves. In fact, not only do we not have time to take our own photos we certainly dont have time to carefully edit them the way we are paid to do for our clients so unfortunately, we just dont get around to it. I know, it’s a really bad habit that we’re trying to rectify.

Justine and Mike wanted photos for their 2nd Year Wedding Anniversary
and Garrett and I wanted some photos with our newborn. All of us needed some professional branding photos and headshots for our business. So with our powers combined we made this photoswap happen! And we all walked away happy with some stunning imagery that we can share with our friends/clientelle, print for our home and most importantly, have to remember these ever fleeting moments.
You can learn more about them at Captures by Justine. Thank you so much for our family photos, we truly love them and we’re looking forward to the next swap!

If you’re a Photographer who would like to do a photoswap with us, pleeeease do not hesitate to reach out to us at Hello@megapixelsmedia.com or shoot us a message HERE.
Tiara + Marte