Did you know that Autumn is our SUPER Busy Season?
It’s like that for most Wedding Photographers. Something about the changing of the leaves and the weather makes couples really excited to get outdoors and take some beautiful photos! With that being said, we knew we had to write this blog!
Here are some great tips for couples who want to have an amazing engagement session outdoors in the Autumn! Let’s Get Started!
Dress in Layers
Sweaters, scarves, vests, jackets or even a blanket. It’s a great idea to bring a long something a little extra to bundle up in. Callai and Austin didn’t need any of these things for their engagement session because it was unusually warm this November day. But This Couple Here definitely took advantage of wearing layers when it was chilly.

2. Coat On/Coat Off Method
This Tip is for the couple who still wants to show up in a cute outfits but hates the cold. Bring a coat with you and right when it’s time to take the photo take your coat off and pose! When the photo series is over throw that coat back on and warm up and get ready for the next set of photos in a different spot. Don’t worry, we’ll hold on to your coat so it won’t be in your shot!

3. Pick a Sunny Spot
This is a pretty obvious one but we need to include it. Choose a Spot where the sun can get to you. You’re going to want that little bit of extra warmth from our solar friend. Not to mention the sun hitting your skin and the leave behind you will make your photos glow! Like in this session!

4.Get Active
This is something that we do at every engagement session and absolutely perfect for cold autumn days. A great way not to get chilly during your engagement session is get moving! For example, one exercise that we did with Callai and Austin was have a rock skipping contest down by the creek. It turned into a short instructional tutorial by Austin lol needless to say, we all had a great time. And if it were cold, this would have distracted them just long enough to get a few sweet photos. They also practiced a little bit of yoga near the end of the session (keep scrolling!)

5.Get Cozy
This is our favorite tip…Because we specialize in photographing couples who are deeply in love and as you can imagine making our couple cuddle together to keep warm really makes for some great photos. This is also a Combo Tip! Because it can be used along with all the previous tips mentioned in this blog! Keeping our couples super close to each other for the duration of their engagement session is one of our goals because as couples, we don’t notice it often but how often are we being intentional when were together? How many times do you hang out with your significant other unplugged and undistracted? WE like to give our couples just that time together. To breathe in each other and to be mindful of each other in this very hectic stage in your life. The Engagement Phase is so fast compared to what awaits you on the other side of the wedding day. Along with beautiful engagement photos, We like to gift our clients with just some time focused on themselves before they head back out to the world of distraction and wedding planning.

We hope you enjoyed this blog and took something away from it. We also hope it helps you create your own creative engagement session to reflect your relationship! If you’d like to set up a consultation with us in regards to your photography please feel free to e-mail us at HELLO@MegapixelsMedia.com or contact us quickly through here. Speak with you soon!
Love Deeply,
Megan + Garrett
Citizens Ballroom Engagement Sessions
Tiara + Marte