Megapixels Media | Best Baltimore Wedding Photographers in Maryland

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Why I Quit my Job to be a Photographer Full-time | Megapixels Media

Well, here we are… It’s been a full month since I resigned from a senior level position at one of the world’s best Mental Health Systems and the question I’ve been faced with most is WHY?

Most people I worked with every day had no idea that I work every single weekend or go home every night to edit wedding photos with Garrett(my husband) til we fall asleep. They didn’t know how many hours I’ve invested into learning how to run a legit business or that I have 100k+ miles on my 2016 car and still not enough time to spend with my loved ones or the time to take my business where I wish for it to be. No one at work (except a few) knew how burnt out I was from running a whole department during business hours WHILE yearning to do what I really love every spare chance I got. The balancing act between being a wife, a daughter and an entrepreneur while working a 9-5 was starting to weigh heavy on me. Heavier than what it was worth.

I lost a LOT in 2018. I lost one of my most precious people in my life and that put everything into perspective and I realized that I was holding on to something that was not serving me how I deserved to be served. Garrett helped me realize that we had been building the life I truly wanted all along (since 2013) and all I had to do was to let go of what was holding me back from living my best life (my “corporate job”) and live in my purpose.

Even with the ongoing encouragement and support from Garrett, It wasn’t easy leaving a job that I’ve had since graduating college 7 years ago. In fact a lot of fear and doubt came up while I was in the process of preparing to put in my 2 weeks notice. The fear and doubt sounded like “Will I make enough money?”, “What about our Health Care coverage?”, “What if I get bored?” and of course “What if I Fail?”. I’m looking at these excuses now and it’s all FAKE. Fake Excuses that circled around my head to keep me from evolving!

I know it’s only been a month since I Peaced-Out of there but I can confidently say that it was the right decision for me. Since then, we’ve been booking way faster than usual at our new price-point, I’ve had time to meet new wonderful people (who I can consider friends), and most importantly to me, I’ve had time to spend with my family (and Myself! Hey, Girl, Hey!). My whole life has changed from letting go of the toxic relationship I had with my 9-5 job.

So the WHY is pretty complex. More than just “I want to take wedding photos for a living” or “I just want to be my own boss”, more like I wanted to live my best life without the fake excuses I created to hold me back. The life that I desire to live does not require me to work my ass off 40 hours a week for little recognition and an mediocre paycheck.
Here are the Facts: My new job as a Full-time Photographer offers better health benefits, pays better and values my time way more.
Here’s what’s most Important: I’m Happy.

So What Now? Now I plan on taking this business to where me and Garrett always wanted to take it. Not only to better serve couples deeply in love but to serve as representatives as a husband and wife, minority-owned business. 5 years ago, we dreamed about creating a business we wished existed when we were engaged and now we’ve done it. Now with more time and energy available to us we plan on sharing more of what makes us happy, creating more of a positive and uplifting wedding experience, posting more of our clients not only on our website but pushing them to get published more (to inspire future couples) and giving back to our community of supporters. There’s a LOT in the works and I am so excited to share it all with you.

Please don’t get this blog confused. This is not a QUIT YOUR JOB NOW kind of article. I could literally talk all day about living in your purpose and being fearless in the pursuit of what makes you happy but at the same time, I do not believe in putting yourself (or your family) in a financial and emotional bind because of your failure to plan out your goals. I was only able to make this leap because of what specific business principals my husband and I put into place to make sure that our foundation is solid. But that’s a whole other blog/seminar ;)

If you would like to work together this year on a project or event, please do not hesitate to reach out. WE’d Love to hear from you.


-Megan + Garrett

See this gallery in the original post